Update Info:
Core: Zaicopx AzerothCore-wotlk-with-NPCBots rev. f9c1450abd7f
NPCBots v5.3.112a
Latest update on April 4, 2023
Version DB world: ACDB 335.9-dev
Mysql: root, ascent
This is a how-to update repack:
- Remember to backup
- Download latest AC SP Update
- Extract AC SP Update.7z to repack folder, replace exe (Everything)
- Fix WP levels for Barrens.
- Fix Arcane Intellect not stacking with Divine Spirit if casted by bots.
- Reset evade count when teleporting to destination.
- Fix a crash caused by non-wandering bot PvP kill.
- Fix missing engage delay timer propagation.
- Use greatest engage delay value if bot has both DPS and HEAL roles.
- Fix forcefully dismounting from Oculus drakes.
- Fix wandering warrior bots not generating shields.
- Fix closest graveyard selection never including Horde GYs.
- Fix party engagement propagation not triggering.
- Fix non-isolated WP tops not being counted.
- Import wander points for maps 0 and 1.
- Enable map 1 for spawning. Allow heartstone between maps.
- Remove wandering bot travel history accumulation.
- Fix wandering bot pets trying to attack unkillable targets.
- Fix Mechano-Lord Nether Charges not spawning.
- Sindragosa shouldn't kill everything on evade.
- Fix Soccothrates fel flame charge.
- Fix Blood-Queen Lana`thel reset and flickering animation.
- Correct Timers for Thespia and add missing line.
- Fixed Improved Healthstone not affecting Ritual of Souls.
- Fix Nerubar Broodkeeper flickering animation.
- Improved Door Controller event.
- Fix Talon King Ikiss.
- Millhouse uses Iceblock under 50 percent hp.
- Adjust Soccrothar charge timer and implement emote.
- Fixing last issue on Nerubs in ICC.
- Delay abilities during charge and delete trigger spawns.
- Add missing Enrage event for Pathaleon the Calculator.
- Update timers after research.
- Correct faction of Time-Lost Skettis NPCs.
- Correct timers for Arcane Servant's Arcane Volley.
- Add Knockback immunity to Raging Flames.
- Repair Pathaleon the Calculator Loot.
- Rebuild The Steamvault ores and herbs.
- Nethermancer Sepethrea door should not be useable by players.
- Rebuild Steamvault creature spawns and implement RP events.
- Added trigger flag to Gnome Cannor Shooter.
- Add missing trash pack in Mechanar.
- Update Shadow Labyrinth combat SAI.
- Correct combat mechanics in Mechanar's Gauntlet Event.
- Remove rep rewards for killing Skyriss Images.
- Rewrite Nether Charge SAI.
- Shaleskin Flayer should cast Shaleskin out of combat.
- Remove Bloodforged Guard and Gold-Trimmed Cuffs from reference loot.
- Snap Floating Ivory Bell to ground.
- Correct Effect of all Summon dbc spells.
- Corrections to Death Watcher.
- Make High Admiral "Shelly" Jorrik give reputation all the way through exalted.
- Negaton Screamer Aura removal on element reset.
- Stone Keeper now use Self Destruct.
- Also remove Death Count from non-players (pets).
- Harbinger Skyriss Normal Loot.
- Turn the Tables can stack with itself.
- Shadow Word: Death vs critters.
- Lightning Overload should not proc off from itself.
- Fix Violating Flag correction.
- Move Arcane Container script to SAI.
- Mod-learn-spells: Don't teach healing component of DK spell Death Strike.
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